Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pollination, Plant Diversity, Wildlife.

The cultivation of plants for our gardens keeps evolving plant life toward appealing to the gardener. Beauty, fragrance, ease of care, and in some instances where grown for food, taste are indicators of which plants will be cultivated in mass for retail. So far little attention has been paid to a plants benefit to wildlife or continued gene diversity to ensure survival through climate or environmental changes.

In a wild garden sex mixes things up.
Sexual reproduction helps insure the most combinations of available genes.

In plants, pollination (by wind scattering large amounts of pollen all around to land on exposed stigma, or wildlife pollinators moving pollen from anther to stigma, flower to flower, over and over again) stirs the gene pool. The combinations are endless.
More combinations, more chances for a trait to appear that aids survival within each situation.

Plant life keeps everything else alive. If it doesn't eat plants it eats something that eats plants.
Plants create food.
Photosynthesis , a process where carbon dioxide and water in the presence of chlorophyll (the green pigment) and light energy are changed into glucose (a sugar), supplies food for the plant and oxygen for other forms of life.

The gardener can imagine what will happen as a result of an action and make a change based on that imagining.
Which plants appeal to a gardener and the reasons why can change.
Gardens can be whatever will appeal to the the gardener.
I have imagined the world without a diversity of plant and animal life.
I prefer diversity. So I garden with wildlife in mind.

Will gardeners make a difference. Maybe, if only by understanding that more of an effort must be made to conserve the impossibly intricate web, those intermingled dependencies, of life on earth.


Blogger Wild Flora said...

Right on!

2/12/07 4:01 AM  
Blogger Gloria said...

Hi there Wild Flora, I have to tell you your blog posts have been inspiring of late. Winter is a good time to indulge in garden philosophy.

13/12/07 11:17 AM  

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