Friday, July 13, 2007

Next year, in the fall,when I have time...a perfect garden.

Colleen, at In The Garden Online started this round of contemplation of our gardens lack of perfection. In our own heads we are sure it could be better and know that we will get to it someday. But in the mean time we would prefer no one else notices.Colleen believes this should change to encourage newbies daunted by lack of time, experience or funds.

There are many versions of the bad and the ugly and there have been several brave souls joining Colleen in outing the myth that a garden must be perfect everywhere all the time to be enjoyed. Gardens are like everything else in life, blemishes can impart character. We are not accepting less we are embracing more.

A wildlife garden has many moments of imperfection amid what can also be, on occasion, glorious. One area looks very good while another suffers from over feeding by one creature or other. It is something you learn to live with, enjoying the process of building and evolving as much as often fleeting results. Wildlife gardeners learn to live in the moment, enjoying the berries until the birds strip them bare and the host plants until the caterpillars start munching. Ephemeral beauty to be savored along with gossamer wings of butterfly.

I can not take pictures today but the ones on yesterdays post about buggy coneflowers
illustrate the point well. Further evidence exits on the bare ground of a recently installed rain garden .

Decay is part of the process,death is inevitable, possibility exists in dreams.


Blogger Wild Flora said...

A wonderful book that forever changed my gardening life is Mirabel Osler's "A Gentle Plea for Chaos." If you haven't encountered it, I think you would love it.
I too have a pollinator- and every other type of critter-friendly garden. (Used to live in Chicago too.)

14/7/07 12:11 PM  
Blogger Gloria said...

Wild Flora, I have read " A Gentle Plea For Chaos" and I liked it alot.

Your blog is great. I am reading the archives and watching for updates.

17/7/07 9:04 PM  

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