Friday, March 28, 2008


The city of Chicago is one of many participants in Saturday March 29th's lights out for an hour starting at 8:00 p.m. Use your own local time. Late enough to be dark, early enough to matter.
Prime time for lighting use I'd say.

Earth Hour US


Earth Hour Chicago is a partnership with World Wildlife Fund, the City of Chicago, ComEd and Leo Burnett.
To help with coordination, education and participation, we are pleased to have support from the Chicago Steering Committee, which includes:
the City of Chicago, ComEd, BOMA, Chicagoland Chamber, Metropolitan Mayor's Caucus, CCTB, Labor Unions, MPEA, Chicago Public Schools, Greater North Michigan Avenue Association and many others.
Earth Hour is only one step in Chicago's ongoing commitment to be the greenest city in the nation. Chicago has already demonstrated its dedication to fighting climate change through conserving and protecting its natural resources, promoting environmentally friendly lifestyles with residents, and leading by example by incorporating healthy environmental practices into the everyday work of government. Some examples include: promoting bike-friendly practices, building green roofs, conserving water, adding hybrid buses to the city’s fleet and mass transit system, planting trees and building "green" libraries, public schools and police stations.

What to Expect During Earth Hour
We're asking buildings along the downtown skyline to voluntarily shut off the majority of their lights for Earth Hour. In addition, we will encourage key Chicago landmarks, such as the marquee at Wrigley Field, the marquees for Chicago’s theaters, the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier and the businesses on State Street and Michigan Avenue to participate. These icons will capture Chicago's commitment to participating in this worldwide effort. All street lights and lights vital to public safety will remain on. We encourage as many residents and businesses as possible to voluntarily participate, though people should not expect the city to go completely dark.

While one hour may not seem like much considering our excessive use of energy, it is a place to start.
Since street lights will remain on it will not be totally dark but the difference should be awesome if everyone participates. I await with eager anticipation. Will Chicago and other US states participate in numbers rivaling Sydney Australia last year. Maybe not, the media has been half-heartedly covering the event. But Chicagoan's have a way of knowing what is going on in town so I have high hopes.
Now should we turn everything off early then head out to watch the skyline?



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