Garden Bloggers Bloom Day May 15th 2008
It is time again to journey through garden after garden in search of bloom.
Carol has the list of fellow cyber world travelers at May Dreams Garden .
Join us.
Same with the red osier dogwood. Lots of buds still to unfurl.
The holly must have a payload of nectar.
Salvia ... not quite.
A few LOV...
Ah,here come the aquilegia vulgaris var. flore-pleno
Soon strawberries will follow these pretty little flowers.
Bleeding hearts.
Chive buds.
Bergenia blossoms.
The tulips in the hobbit garden begin to fade.
Pink columbine/aquilegia.
Phlox subulata, a few yellow pansies,
and ajuga...
Check out how much futher along the salvia 'May Night' was last year on the 15th of May. This year there is not a single iris any where near bloom and the camassia have not sent out bloom stems although they have self seeded abundantly.
Wow, that phlox really puts out the flowers!
I love that hobbit garden. Looks like we have several flowers in common, some blooming about the same time. Your garden is indeed a bee's delight.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day again,
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
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Beautiful and peaceful bleeding hearts,in Texas they don't last very long for me. Your gardens look beautiful and bright!
I can't believe how far ahead your Dogwood is from mine! (I'm in Lake County.) Your Acquiledia are also ahead. What is the name of that lovely pink double?
Love the emerging pink Columbine, it is quite a lovely have terrific photgraphs the little hearts all in a row is perfect.
clay and limestone
beautiful blooms. I specially like the bleeding hearts
It's all so gentle and harmonious, Gloria - you have so many really pretty spring flowers and flowering shrubs. One thing puzzles me - similar double pink columbines have appeared all over the place this May Blooming Day - is it a new trend? Or did this little beauty just become available?
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
chuck b. Yes, that sun loving low growing creeping phlox blooms so heavily that it can almost be too much if allowed to spread. It could completely cover that little hill in a few years and for weeks in spring look like cotton candy. But it is very easy to pull out what I do not want.
Carol, I saw your Blue Tower columbine it is very pretty. Do yours self seed all over the garden throwing out all kinds of mutants?
Love my cottage garden, these particular old fashioned cottage garden bleeding hearts have a narrow window of temperature and light in which to bloom. The western native might do well for you but is not nearly so delicate looking.
Mr McG's Daughter, the columbine is a European aquilegia
vulgaris var. flore-pleno. My grandmother called it granny's bonnet. It has mixed with the double Black Barlow and sometimes with the red columbine to make for some interesting ,some pretty ugly
new color and shape.
Gail, Thank you. That lone dangling stem on a young plant was very pretty.
Hello gintoino, who would not be moved a bleeding heart.
Thanks Annie, I think the one Carol has from the Tower series may be a new variety of the old aquilegia vulgaris var. flore-pleno. At least new to me. It seems to have layers of petals below the edge of the 'bonnet'... hence Tower?
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