Considering how much rain fell from Friday evening untill mid-day Sunday (without respite),the garden does not look completely wasted. Just a bit bedraggled.
Tall asters and many the grass in bloom held up very well.
Panicum,both species and cultivar stood straight after drying over night.
Gillardia looks splayed but still blooming.
A single stem of goldenrod is beginning to open.
The asters were covered with bees flying after several days under cover during heavy rain. Unlike honey bees they store little food and suffer if weather does not permit collection for a time.
Logs have pretty fungal decorations .
The flooded back garden is drying out, no standing pools of water left.
The hobbit garden hosta blooms draw both bees and humming birds and follow the dry creekbed like a wave.
A lone blue gentian.
I still have not moved those turtlehead.
Even with all the rain you got, your garden looks very good. Lots of good blooms. And it sounds like it stopped raining before the bees starved.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
It looks like you are also on a slight slope. I'm so happy I am, as that saved everything from turning into a swamp! Your garden survived the deluge very well, and those Asters look wonderful. I keep seeing Chelone on blogs, I really have to find a place to plant some, it's so pretty.
Your garden looks fabulous after all that rain.
We were on a tour of the CBG on Saturday and they closed early. Don't know if you saw the pictures when you visited my blog earlier today.
Ms. Wis. aka Each Little World.
Thanks Carol, the bees seem fine now but it has been much quieter in the evening. We found several of the annual cicada, some dead some very slow moving. I do not know if the rain had something to do with that or if it is just time. The crickets seemed less ebullient as well.Only the frogs are happy.
MMD,ours is the lowest spot on the block with a slope leading into the garden from all but one side. This makes for flooding in very heavy rain if the drain in the alley becomes blocked or the sewer system can not handle the amount of water. By Saturday night the back looked like a pond but the rain garden out front handled the water well, slowing and absorbing enough water to make a difference.
By miday Sunday when the rain stopped completely the water drained away. The back needs a rain garden!
Ms Wis, I went back and checked the post about the Botanic garden visit. Pictures in all that rain, you are awesome!
I'm glad you did okay in that rain, Gloria - my sister's back yard was one big puddle but looks like no lasting damage.
We got wind from the hurricane but no rain at all. But when we've had rain in summer, I noticed that the top of a cuphea growing under the roof overhang stayed dryer and was covered in bees. Guess that was the emergency pollen station.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Annie, strangely there was not much wind so not much damage,at least that is so here. I feel for all those with homes that flooded. That can be a nightmare.
Good to hear you were unscathed by hurricanes.
Interesting about the bees.Maybe a project for next year.
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