Thursday, August 12, 2010

More August pictures in our habitat garden.

Black swallowtail butterfly on Phlox.

Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' late summer through fall bloom.
A tall plant that stands out in the panicum/switchgrass.

Look at those pollen lumps on the back legs of the bumble bee.

Hoverfly is a plentiful pollinator.

The turtlehead/chelone is doing very well with all the rain this year.

Goldfinch through the screen door. If I open the door they always take off.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Close encounters in a habitat garden 2010.

Common blue damselfly

Native solitary bee on coreopsis

Red Admiral butterfly on purple coneflower

The Widow Skimmer (Libellula luctuosa) dragonfly eyeing insects for meal.

Green Darner dragonfly.

Eastern Tiger swallowtail butterfly.

Spider and a plant hopper on milkweed stem

Skipper, love that wing structure.

Monarch hiding in the spotted Joe-pye weed.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Hieracium Canadense/Canadian Hawkweed In Bloom

The small yellow flowers are the hawkweed. Last year this plant stayed very small and did not bloom at all. It is listed as growing from 1 to 5 ft. At least one stem almost made its full height. Lots of flowers means lots of seeds but as it is opening only some flowers each day I will have to keep a close eye on seed development. I have no idea how quickly this may proceed.

The Hieracium Canadense/Canadian Hawkweed is growing well near but not in the rain garden along with prairie dropseed,purple coneflowers and a self seeded Joe-pye weed.

The Northern bedstraw/Galium boreale is growing but not flowering.

The Psoralea tenuiflora/Scurfy Pea is growing but so far no flowers.

The Michigan Lily/Lilium michiganese looked fine last summer but did not return this year.

Native seed gardening is not for the faint of heart.
I am growing these plants from seeds for Native Seed Gardeners